Thank you Sarah Flaherty!

Sarah Flaherty came to AdairXMedia wanting a fresh brochure for a special service that she offers! Getting all the details just right produced the amazing brochure you see here! Continue to look at the rest of this brochure for further info on the creative process behind the brochures.

***Please Note: Watermark is to prevent content stealing. Additionally, AdairXMedia is honored to have its loyal clients but as a reminder AdairXMedia focuses on Media Production and should not be considered advice or professional recommendation for services outside of the realm of Media Production.

Title & Contact Pages

For the key components of this brochure the focus was serenity. Sarah wanted a brochure that focused not only on this specific service but one that also tied in with her business theme. Her theme has sage green, beige, gold, light pink and brown tones. A nice natural palette sets a good tone for those interested in this service but not knowing where to start. With many layers to this brochure, I placed and custom color-edited multiple floral pieces to tie in with the theming.

Brochure Ad Design

Inside Pages

With so much information on this service our goal was to a create a balance. Providing plenty of information without being over informative and risk losing the appeal to the reader. With key sections like “Q&A”, “ About”, and the photo examples. It helps the readers eye navigate the information much easier. To continue maintaining the general theme, colors were pulled from both sides of the brochure to each other to create a visual flow in between them.


Creating Merch Labels


Thank you Diane Deberry!